Cloud Service

All infrastructure, platforms, software, or technologies that users access through the internet without requiring additional software downloads can be considered cloud computing services—including the following as-a-Service solutions.

Migrate, manage, & secure on-prem to cloud transformation

Enterprises across the globe have recognized the cloud as a critical enabler of business transformation and innovation. The cloud has emerged as a powerful technology disruptor that constantly challenges the existing IT landscape, compelling enterprises to adopt newer cloud-based paradigms or risk losing the game. With a plethora of cloud migration services available, choosing the right migration partner, the right service model, the best-suited deployment option, and the type of workload to be moved are of paramount significance.

Develop and Deploy Cloud Applications That Future-Proof Your Business

Advancements in the cloud, mobile applications and websites are transforming the very foundations of how we use and access information and communicate with each other. A new wave of cloud paradigms is evolving at a fantastic velocity. Concepts like PaaS, open source, and socialized information through data sprouts are driving a new generation of business models on the back of commoditized IT infrastructure.

Cloud data protection

Cloud data protection is the practice of securing a company’s data in a cloud environment, wherever that data is located, whether it’s at rest or in motion, and whether it’s managed internally by the company or externally by a third party. This practice has become increasingly important as more companies have switched from building and managing their own data centers to storing their applications and data in the cloud instead. A 2018 survey by IDG, a leading technology media company, stated that 73% of companies had applications or infrastructure in the cloud, with another 17% expected to make the move in the coming year. Companies are collecting massive amounts of data, ranging from highly confidential business, financial and customer data to unimportant information. They’re also moving more and more of their data to the cloud and storing it in more places than ever – public, private and hybrid clouds, cloud storage environments, software-as-a-service applications, and so on.